Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Class of Russian 102 Complete!

Technically, I should be working on my first Russian 102 homework assignment, but I figured I'd take a moment to tell y'all how the class went. 

It was awesome seeing everyone again - and I'm glad that M & L and I were able to get together last Wednesday.  That get together at a small pub on the other side of town kept me in the mood for taking the class.  The three of us girls had a blast drinking our beer and just talking about our experiences in Europe, or in M's case, the experiences she wants to have.  It was so much fun talking with people who want to talk about Europe and traveling.  

So, class.  It was really neat seeing everyone else again, over the break I hadn't realized how much I had missed just the sense of knowing my classmates and interacting with them.  This part was especially drive home when the few students who weren't in Russian 101 last term, walked in.  They didn't know each other, or if they did they weren't interacting together, and they didn't know us, and here we were all friendly and talkative and warm and open.  Not that we tried to pull them into conversation, we were too busy catching up with each other.  

Our teach showed up as punctual as usual, which is very, nearly on the dot.  I'd hoped we'd have at least a day of refresher stuff using the time to get to know the other students, or at least no homework the first day, but no such luck.  Thus my comment at the beginning, I really should be doing my homework, seeing how it's due tomorrow night.

Oh, before I go, I'll answer a quick question.  Yes, the teacher is already moving on more quickly than she did before, and yes, I'm a little nervous/worries/scared about it.  I'll keep you posted.  Homework I go.  The husband's been bugging me about it for an hour.  Wish me luck!

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